The Swihart Family in Maui.

An action shot of the Swihart Family in their most favorite place in the world- Maui.

Why would they do this, you ask? Well, for the Swihart family, life had become a carousel spinning in predictable circles. They yearned for the joy of embracing spontaneity, and the liberation that comes from shaking off the shackles of routine, and making memories of a lifetime with their three kids. They craved a life filled with vibrant memories and heart-pounding adventures.  They craved reacquainting themselves with their heart and following their souls. 

Their decision was not without fears and doubts. Whispers of uncertainty danced in their minds like mischievous imps- What would school look like? How can we afford to leave our lives?

Yet, as they took that leap of faith, their hearts fluttered with anticipation, knowing that the greatest adventures are often found outside the boundaries of comfort. They believed that life is too precious to be spent confined within four walls, and that the truest form of education lies in exploring the vast classroom of the world.

And so, with wide smiles, the Swihart family bid farewell to the familiar, embracing the thrill of the unknown. From scaling breathtaking mountains to wandering through bustling markets, from tasting exotic flavors to diving into crystal-clear waters, their new life would be a tapestry woven with laughter, discovery, and profound connections.

Together, they would chase sunsets that painted the sky in a kaleidoscope of colors. They would immerse themselves in diverse cultures and music, learning from the wisdom of strangers and forging friendships that spanned continents. They would collect moments like precious gems, stringing them together to create a vibrant necklace of memories that would forever adorn their hearts.

So, as the Swihart family set forth on their grand adventure, they waved goodbye to the ordinary and embraced a life where wonder danced hand-in-hand with the unknown. For in their quest for extraordinary experiences, they discovered that sometimes, the most incredible journeys begin when a family decides to sell everything and follow the whisper of adventure echoing in their souls.

Swihart and Soul was born in hopes to spark a fire in your soul, to ignite your passions, and to remind you that there's magic in following your heart and soul. Whether you are looking for travel advice, how to world-school, or how to figure out your passions, the Swihart family hope to inspire you to let your true colors shine and embrace the extraordinary person that you are!

The Swihart Story

Once upon a time, in a city by the bay, lived the Swihart family—a family bound by routines, comfort, and the familiar. One day, something extraordinary happened. As the sun's golden rays peeked through their curtains, illuminating the room with a sense of possibility, Eric and Alyson shared a daring idea over breakfast. They looked into each other's eyes, brimming with excitement, and declared, "Let's sell everything and embark on an adventure that will redefine our lives!"

And so, the great family upheaval began. The basement, once filled with dusty memories, was now a treasure trove of forgotten dreams waiting to be rekindled. The garage sale became a bustling bazaar, with neighbors marveling at the eclectic collection of trinkets, each with its own story to tell. As the last piece found a new home, the Swihart family stood before a blank canvas—an open road, an unwritten chapter, and a world waiting to be discovered.